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Get off Your Butt! happier healthier wealthier Mar 04, 2021

Get of your butt! Not just physically, but mentally.

  • To accomplish any goal, we must take physical action.
  • There is mental action we must also take to accomplish our goals.

So how do we take mental action?

  • Study Those Who Came Before You
  • Mentally Prepare Yourself
  • Make a Plan
  • Track Yourself...
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Eat to Save Your Heart! healthier Feb 25, 2021

7 foods for cardio health

Taking good care of your cardiovascular system can be as easy as picking the right foods at the grocery store or local market. Consider regularly incorporating the following seven, heart-protective foods into your cooking and eating routines.


Loved and used...

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Dying or Dieting, is it really a choice? happier healthier Feb 11, 2021


Dying or dieting, is it really a choice? The answer may surprise you.

Our modern diet is dictated by culture, media and what is available in the supermarkets. It is difficult to navigate what is good for our bodies or what is another fad diet. Let’s have a look at both the history...

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Let's talk about the voice in your head! happier healthier wealthier Feb 04, 2021

Self-talk, What is it?

  • The internal narrative you hold about yourself.
  • Our self-talk can have a much bigger influence on the way we see ourselves, and the world around us.
  • A mix of conscious and unconscious beliefs and biases that we hold about ourselves and the world generally.
  • Self-talk can...
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Plan to Live by setting Goals! happier healthier wealthier Jan 21, 2021

Personal Goal Setting-Planning to Live Your Life Your Way

Many people feel as if they're adrift in the world. They work hard, but they don't seem to get anywhere worthwhile.

A key reason that they feel this way is that they haven't spent enough time thinking about what they want from life and...

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Your Sleep is Impacting your Weight Loss more than you think! happier healthier Dec 24, 2020


The goal of weight loss does not aim to simply lower the number on the scale. We want to lose weight in fat. And poor sleep habits can have detrimental effects on your weight loss journey.

The  Drawbacks to Weight Loss from inadequate sleep levels

  • Less sleep means less energy for...
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