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Tap Into More Motivation happier wealthier Apr 20, 2023

Have you ever asked yourself why you get out of bed each morning? For many, it is because they have a job and have no choice. That is considered extrinsic motivation. But what really drives you to accomplish your goals? That is your intrinsic motivation. These nine tips will help you tap into it...

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Obstacles to Avoid for Financial Independence happier wealthier Jan 26, 2023

Few people ever attain financial independence. This is a shame, because it’s not that challenging, provided you get started in early adulthood. You probably don’t want to be one of those people that work for 40+ years and still can’t retire because you haven’t accumulated...

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Overcome FOMO happier wealthier Aug 18, 2022

The fear of missing out (FOMO) was around long before its catchy acronym caught on. With the advent of social media, things have only gotten worse. People spend hours scrolling through feeds and witnessing others' seemingly perfect lives play out in real-time. With this kind of stimuli at our...

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10 Amazing Foods To Boost Your Brain Power healthier wealthier May 12, 2022

The human brain is a remarkable organ that requires a great deal of nourishment, so the food choices you make daily affect its structure and health. Eating a variety of natural, nutritious foods will have both short-term and long-term benefits to brain function, memory, concentration, and mental...

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Limiting Beliefs That Keep You From Attacking Your Goals happier wealthier May 05, 2022

Everyone has dreams, but not everyone makes their dreams into goals. You may have a few of these too. What are the reasons you tell yourself late at night to put the shutdown on making them a reality? These reasons are beliefs that you have, but that doesn’t mean they are valid reasons.


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Effectively Plan Your Day happier wealthier Apr 28, 2022

How much time do you spend planning each of your days? If you are like the majority of people, you spend no time planning. You wake up and slip into your same old routine. At the most, maybe you take some time to jot down a few important things you want to accomplish. If you want to boost your...

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Everyday Distractions That Hold Us Back happier wealthier Apr 21, 2022

Distractions are a part of all our lives. While we can't avoid them all, how well we deal with them, in general, is often a key indicator of our success. While distractions are often different for each of us, some common distractions tie us all together. These everyday distractions don't just...

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The Burden Of Limited Thinking Patterns happier healthier wealthier Apr 07, 2022

Many people believe that positive thinking and manifestation are important tools that propel us towards our goals, but what about the opposite? Limited thinking can be as much of a burden as positive thinking is a boon. It is one of several ways that we self-sabotage our success. If you aren't...

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Want To Have Your Best Year Ever? Then you need a Vision Board. happier wealthier Jan 27, 2022

Most people don't even know what they really want. It's just "more" or "to be happier" but they don't know what that might look like. For one person it might mean a big, beautiful home. For someone else, a huge home (or even just a home) wouldn't be a dream but a nightmare: They would prefer to...

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Why Do You Need A Health And Wellness Coach? happier healthier wealthier Aug 05, 2021


The growing understanding of the importance of focusing on overall wellness makes many people turn to various experts to help them achieve their health goals. One of such experts in the health and wellness coach.

Just as a sports coach helps an athlete...

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Make Health A Priority: How to Find Motivation on Your Health Journey happier healthier wealthier Jul 08, 2021

How to Find Motivation on Your Health Journey

Your health journey is a personalized one where you make sustainable and healthy changes to your lifestyle. This can range from better eating and sleeping habits to more physical activity. It can even be as simple as doing more of those things that...

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The Four I's to Improve Your Health! happier healthier wealthier Mar 11, 2021


The four I’s to improve your health

  • Intelligence
  • Implementation
  • Investment
  • I am doing it (remove I can/I will)



  • It is not about doing more things; it is about doing more of the right things.
  • Each of us, as individuals, are directly responsible for what we...
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