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Whoop Your Butts - Your Mental Butts

Sep 16, 2022

Whoop Your Butts – Your Mental Butts!!

What is stopping you from achieving your dreams and goals?

Often, we hear the terminology, “Get off your butt!” which means to take action through some kind of physical movement.

But there is another “butt” to focus on and that is the “mental butt.”  What this refers to is when you have goals or dreams, often when we are not achieving those, we have a butt in there, and what I mean by that is “I want to lose weight, but, or I want to make more money, but I'm going to write a book, but.”

These are mental roadblocks that are holding you back from obtaining what it is you truly want.

Today, we are going to focus on the mental actions required, not necessarily the physical actions required.

So, we all tell ourselves a story and when we are not being successful in obtaining or doing what we want that but creeps in. And that kind of gives us permission not to be successful.

One of the things we must acknowledge is to take ownership of that, and then decide we are going to move beyond it.

And basically, kick that butt.


Get off your butt! Not just physically, but mentally.

  • To accomplish any goal, we must take physical action.
  • There is mental action we must also take to accomplish our goals.

So how do we take mental action?

  • Study Those Who Came Before You
  • Mentally Prepare Yourself
  • Make a Plan
  • Track Yourself and Your Progress
  • Make it Fun
  • Connect your long-term goals to your core values
  • Schedule your goals to remove the decision to work towards them every day
  • Create if/then statements to avoid the distraction of ‘urgent’ tasks
  • Skip the ‘messy middle’ by starting at the finish line
  • Avoid perfectionism by getting comfortable with uncertainty
  • Share with others
  • Celebrate



Use the “WHOOP your butt” strategy to turn ‘dreams’ into concrete steps.

  1. Wish: What exactly do you want?
  2. Heart: Why is this important to you?
  3. Outcome: What would be the outcome of achieving this wish?
  4. Obstacles: What will get in the way of achieving this outcome?
  5. Plan: How will you work through these obstacles and steps to achieve your dream?

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