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When Is It Time To Quit

happier Dec 08, 2022

Quite often, we view quitting in a negative light. How many times have you heard something like "Winners never quit" or "quitters never win." The thing is, quitting isn't always wrong. Sometimes quitting is the first step to us finding a new and better path. You quit your old job so that you can get a new and better job. You quit a sport, so you can focus all your energy on the one you truly love. Below you will find nine signs that it might be time to quit and move on. 


  1.  Your Task Takes Your Entire Life Over

If there is any task or goal that has become so all-consuming it takes over all other areas of your life, then you might consider moving on from it. If you are devoting massive amounts of your energy, and the rest of your results are suffering, is it worth continuing?


  1.  There is an Obviously Better Opportunity

Some people are naturally very loyal. Whether it is a job, your own business, or just a goal you have been working on, it can be hard to give it up. However, if there is an obviously better opportunity around the corner, why not take it? You aren't giving up if you quit your job to take on a better role. You are leveling up.


  1.  You Feel Stuck or Stagnant

Do you feel like you are stuck in life? Maybe your career or certain goals seem to have stagnated. If so, this could be a cue that it is time to quit. Life moves fast, and if all you are doing is standing still, you could get left behind. Sometimes quitting a job or goal that keeps you stuck allows you to move forward in the long run.


  1.  You Don't Respect What You Are Doing

Not all of us are blessed to be doing work that fills us with joy and fulfillment. Sometimes we have to deal with that until we find something better. However, if you are doing something that you don't even respect, and it fills you with remorse or shame - how long can you wait before you quit?


  1.  You Are Being Undervalued

We live in a cutthroat world, and sometimes the people in our lives, be it our employers or relationships, don't value us. If you feel like a company or your romantic partner doesn't value you as much as you deserve, consider this a sign it might be time to move on.


  1.  You Are Never Happy

Do you find that you are miserable more than you are not? If so, there is likely something in your life you need to quit. It could be an unfulfilling goal, career, or relationship. Once you figure out what it is, you will likely feel instantly better once you give it up.


  1.  When All You Have Left is Your Pride

Have you ever had a goal or task you've been working on for so long that it didn't even benefit you anymore? If you are working on something that doesn't benefit you at all just because you are too prideful to quit, it is a clear sign you should at least consider it.


  1.  You Are Self-Destructive

Do you have a self-destructive side? Have you found yourself engaging in more damaging habits and behaviors? If so, there may be something in your life that isn't working. You should strive to figure out what it is. Once you do, don't be afraid to quit it and move on to something else.


  1.  Your Goal Doesn't Align With Your Values

If your goals, career, or business don't align with your values, you should consider giving it up. You can fool yourself for a little while (even a long while), but your actions not matching your values will catch up with you. Your results will suffer, and you will never feel fulfilled. If your goals don't match your values, consider dropping them and setting a new version that aligns with who you are.





  1. Assess your current goals. Do your current goals still match your values? Are they still propelling you forward?


  1. Assess your career. Are you happy and fulfilled? Do you have room for advancement? Do you have any other opportunities available?


Assess your relationships. Are you getting everything you need from people in your life? Is anyone holding you back or draining your energy?

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