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Weight-Loss Mistakes You're Likely Making

Jun 02, 2022

Weight loss is a journey that requires a strong commitment and motivation to change. As diet is one of the central components of weight loss, the journey can be made much easier by eating the correct diet and making good food choices. Here are tips to help you lose those extra pounds faster and have the number on the scale get smaller.


Skipping Breakfast


If you try to cut calories by skipping breakfast, you are likely to get hungry sooner. Not having taken in any calories at the beginning of the day can have you feeling so hungry that you overeat at your next meal.


Banning Treats


If you don't allow yourself to eat certain foods, you may end up feeling deprived and expecting them at every meal. The best choice is to let yourself have a little of those foods when you're hungry rather than bingeing on a lot of them later.


Large Plates


If you serve all your food on large plates and dishes, you could inadvertently be consuming far more calories than you realize. Large dishes make meals seem far smaller and could have you reaching for seconds when you already have reached your full calorie allowance.




Smoothies may be your go-to snack for weight loss but store-bought ones won't be doing your waistline any favors. Take-out smoothies, though delicious, are packed with a lot of high-calorie ingredients designed to make you go back for more.


Meals with Meat


People that follow plant-based diets generally benefit by having lower body mass indexes and levels of body fat. And the lower the number of animal products consumed, the less the likelihood of being overweight.


Salad Dressings


Adding calorie-rich dressings and sauces to many of the healthy, low-calorie meals that you eat can add hundreds of calories to your daily intake and turn your lean meal into an unhealthy one.


Eating Out


When you eat out with the intention of ordering a low-calorie, healthy meal, you will be eating far more calories than if you'd made the same dish at home. Salads, whole grains, and lean meats come with a far higher calorie load than those made at home, as restaurants automatically add dressings and garnishes to make the food tastier.


Adding Olive Oil


Although olive oil is a very healthy fat, it's also very high in calories. All oils are calorie-rich, and all that oil in all of your meals will certainly add up.


Liquid Lunches


Sometimes avoiding solid meals in favor of liquids seems like a great way to cut calories. But a lot of liquids such as juices, smoothies, sodas, and alcohol pack a very large calorie punch. This turns a drink from a calorie-busting solution into a way to put on pounds.


Cutting Out Carbs


Cutting carbohydrates from your diet can result in your feeling exhausted all the time, as your body and brain rely on the energy they provide. Not having them in your diet can have you feeling too physically tired to work out and relying on more calorie-rich foods to stay energized.


There is no weight-loss plan or diet that fits everyone. Some weight-loss programs work better for some people than others but the one thing that works for everyone is to be positive about weight loss. This attitude will help to keep you motivated and sticking to your eating plan until you achieve your weight-loss goals.

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