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Stop Feeling Guilty About Self-Care

Apr 01, 2022

Amazingly, one of the things that we typically feel guilty about is taking care of our own needs. It feels downright selfish to focus on yourself when there is so much you could be doing for others. While compassion, empathy, and kindness are wonderful qualities, we have to direct a little of that towards ourselves as well. If you have ever felt guilty about self-care, then you should consider these nine facts.


  1.  Self-Care Isn't an Indulgence

Taking care of your own needs isn't some frivolous act of selfishness. It is vitally important to your well-being. If you aren't taking care of yourself, you are risking health issues - both physical and mental.


  1.  Other People Practice Self-Care

Many people don't have any hang-ups about practicing self-care. Many of the people in your life have no qualms about taking care of themselves. If other people have no problem putting their own needs first, why shouldn't you? If you don't look after yourself, who will?


  1.  Helping Yourself, Helps Others

If you want to take care of anyone else, you need to meet your needs. The happier and healthier you are, the more capable you will be of helping the people you love. There is a reason that flight attendants tell you to put your mask on before helping others.


  1.  Your Loved Ones Want You To Take Care of Yourself

No one is going to begrudge you to focus on your self-care. Well, no one that matters anyway. Your closest loved ones will want the best for you, which includes practicing self-care. When you ignore your self-care, you are ignoring the wishes of your closest friends and family.


  1.  Get Comfortable With the Word "No"

It can be hard to say no, but you should strive to get used to it. People feel guilty when they say no, but quite often, that is the best answer. Setting boundaries on your time and energy isn't a bad thing. On top of that, you don't have to explain yourself - "no" is a full sentence.


  1.  Self-Care is Vital to Your Goals

Do you have any goals or dreams you aspire to achieve? If you do, then you are doing a disservice to yourself when you avoid self-care. It is much easier to reach your goals when you are attacking them healthy and happy.


  1.  Self-Care is About Self-Respect

Do you respect yourself? If you answered yes, but have been ignoring your self-care, then you are lying to yourself. You can't possibly respect yourself if you don't honor your own needs. If you respect yourself, then you should know you are worthy of self-care.


  1.  Self-Care Protects You

Proper self-care protects you from many different things. Self-care helps protect your health, energy, mind, time, and boundaries. Self-care is one of the best time investments you can make to protect yourself from future harm(s).


  1.  You Deserve It

There isn't a better reason for you to stop feeling guilty about self-care than the fact that you deserve it. Life is tough. We are all on a journey. It makes sense that we take some time to take care of ourselves. You deserve to enjoy the moments you can.







  1. Think about any aspects of self-care that you might be overlooking. Focus on things like your mental, physical and spiritual health. Are you struggling with any area?


  1. Once you have found an area of your self-care you are neglecting (or want to expand upon), brainstorm a few ways you could address it.


Choose one small action you can take right now as your first step to addressing your area of need. Take it!

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