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Quick Ways To Manage Stress And Anxiety

happier healthier Dec 07, 2023

Sometimes, when you're anxious and stressed, you can't just call in sick to work and take a day off. There's not always time to enjoy a lengthy nap. Life doesn't have a reset button, unfortunately. When stress strikes, and anxiety attacks, here are a few ways to quickly calm your nerves and clear your mind.


  1.  Listen to Classical Music

Sometimes, your favorite music isn't ideal for calming you down. It might be too abrasive to your system. Studies show that listening to classical music can reduce stress and help you relax. It slows your pulse and heart rate and even lowers your blood pressure.


  1.  Keep a Golf Ball or Tennis Ball Handy

Kick off your shoes and roll the bottoms of your feet over a golf ball. Squeeze a stress ball or tennis ball in your hands. These are two simple ways to direct your focus off whatever makes you anxious.


  1.  Enjoy an Out Of Body Experience

Close your eyes. Clear your mind. Go somewhere else mentally. Vividly picture yourself in your mind’s eye in a situation that causes you joy and happiness. It could be a relaxing day at the beach or a tranquil hike in the woods. Do this a few times a day, and you will find less stress and anxiety in your life.


  1.  Get Your Heart Pumping and the Blood Flowing

You increase the amount of oxygen that travels through your body when you improve your circulation. That naturally drops stress and anxiety levels while also making you more alert and focused.


You can do this simply by massaging different parts of your body. Get up and take a brisk walk. Run in place. Hit the floor and pump out a few sets of push-ups or sit-ups. Do anything to get your heart pumping and oxygenated blood flowing.


  1.  Become a 5-Minute Hermit

Find a quiet place to spend some alone time. Five minutes alone can help you clear your mind and calm a racing heart. Remove yourself from a stressful environment and focus on something positive. You might even want to search YouTube for a 5-minute "mental reset" guided meditation.


  1.  Flex ... Relax ... Repeat

Progressive relaxation is a wonderful stress reliever. You tense some body part or muscle group. Then, release it and let it relax. Repeat the process. Do this with different parts of the body, and you might be surprised at how good it is for calming your mind.


  1.  Clear the Clutter

Visual clutter distracts you and keeps your mind working overtime to process all the visual information. Physical clutter can be a safety hazard. The fewer things in your space begging for your attention, the less likely you will be stressed and anxious.


  1.  Eat Dark Chocolate

A very small amount of dark chocolate can provide natural stress relief. This is because dark chocolate (without a ton of added sugar) helps your body regulate cortisol levels. That chemical is nicknamed the stress hormone for a reason. Look for at least 70% or 80% cacao in dark chocolate. Additional benefits include anti-inflammatory properties, lower blood pressure, and increased protection against cardiovascular disease.


  1.  Give Your Stress a Countdown

Count backward, starting at 10. Go slowly, breathing deeply through your nose and out through your mouth on each number. Breathing in through your nostrils and out through your mouth is a controlled breathing process that tells your mind and body everything will be okay.





  1.  Make time to organize & declutter: Clear, organize, and clean your office. Do the same thing for the home spaces where you spend the most time.


  1.  Practice progressive relaxation: Before you find yourself in a stressed-out situation. Then, turn to this stress-relieving practice when anxiety strikes.


  1.  Take A Chocolate Break: Keep some organic, unsweetened dark chocolate available for instant and natural stress relief. Select a bar or chocolate nibs that are at least 80% cacao.

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