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Nutrition In The Real World

healthier Oct 19, 2023

Nutrition in the Real World

  • Managing Willpower (A lousy strategy)
    • Change your default diet.
      • Control your food environment better.
        • Shopping at the grocery store (buy the donuts)
          • Constant willpower
          • Spikes of willpower
        • At restaurants ask to not bring bread
      • Plan your meals
      • Are you an abstainer or a moderator?
      • Upholder? Questioner? Obliger? Rebel?
      • Slip Ups and Special Situations
        • How to deal with slip ups (not if but when)
          • Make the next meal the right meal
          • Miss a workout, don’t miss the next one
        • Does a cheat meal work for you (abstainer/moderator)
      • What to do at restaurants
        • Don’t eat carbs first (hold the bread)
        • Eat vegetables first (start with a salad)
        • Avoid alcohol
        • Modify the order (dressing on the side)
      • Holidays
      • Time Restricted Eating (not the same as calorie restriction)
        • Health benefit start about 12 hours after you start fasting
          • Body starts to break fatty acids into ketone bodies
          • 24 hours autophagy starts
          • 48 hours growth hormone levels peak
          • 50 hours insulin reaches its minimum level (testosterone starts to rise)
          • 72 hours body triggered to recycle and replace T-cells
            • Strengthens the immune system

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