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Keep This In Mind When Life Seems Unfair

happier Aug 24, 2023

Life can be tough. The longer you live, the more unfair situations you will face. That seems like a pretty nasty reward for getting older. Remember the following tips the next time you feel like you didn't get a fair shake. They will help you make the best of a bad situation.


1.    Remember That This Won't Last Forever

Life has its fair share of tough times, but they don't usually last forever. As difficult as things seem in the moment, remember that brighter days are coming.


2.    Ask If Your Expectations Were Unreal

Sometimes we expect too much of the world. If your expectations are unfair, your results might be as well. This doesn't mean you deserve bad things to happen, but sometimes we must adjust our expectations about what we deserve out of life.


3.    Smile and Laugh

Laughter causes the production of hormones which make you feel good. So does smiling. It's a natural chemical process that you can use to relieve stress and boost your happiness level when life mistreats you.


4.    Get It Out

Scream. Jump up and down. Talk about it. Start journaling. Write about your experience. Draw or paint your feelings. Unpacking your emotions is important. Your mental, emotional, and physical health can suffer if you let negative thoughts and feelings fester.


5.    Don't Dwell on It

You can't always control what happens to you. What you can always control is your reaction. If you dwell on the unfairness, it's like reliving it repeatedly.

Don't give an unexpected and undeserved bad experience one more minute of your time. Look forward to what can be, not back at what happened.


6.    Accept

When you accept something, you don't necessarily agree with it. You are simply acknowledging what happened. Acceptance is the first step to putting something behind you. The next step is to decide what positives you will take from the experience to improve your situation.


7.    Resist the "I Knew It" Mindset

"These things always happen to me." "I have the worst luck." "I should've expected something like this." When you expect the worst, you have a strange way of attracting it. Sometimes life is unfair. It's not a declaration of who you are.


8.    Life Isn't Fair or Unfair. It Just "Is"

Life is a series of events. It's just experiences happening. Your opinion or judgment of certain things may be that they are fair or unfair. But life is just life, and it will happen how it happens. What you experience might be out of your hands, but how you react to life is what truly matters.


9.    What Lessons Can You Learn?

Yes, you've heard it a million times. "What lessons can you learn from this?" Seriously though, that's a question you need to ask yourself. Picking apart a negative experience might give you the knowledge to keep something similar from happening again.




  1. Plan something Act. Prove that you are worthy of good things by making something wonderful happen today.


  1. Write about three times when life was unfair to you. Then describe a few ways your life improved after those unfortunate experiences.


Take part in an activity that makes you laugh and smile. Laughter is an age-old remedy for negative emotions

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