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10 Foods That Help Fight Fat

healthier May 26, 2022

Eating food can't make you thin. But certain foods boost your metabolism, build lean muscle mass, and reduce appetite for longer. These foods, eaten as part of a calorie-controlled diet, can support fat loss. Here are the top 10 foods that help you bust fat.


  1. Greek Yogurt


All yogurt has health benefits, especially for digestion. But Greek yogurt has twice the protein you'll find in other yogurts. Protein-rich foods take longer to digest, so they burn more calories and keep you feeling satisfied longer. When choosing Greek yogurt, make sure you read the label and go for something without added sugar. If you must sweeten it, mix in half a teaspoon of natural honey or a handful of fresh berries.


  1. Quinoa


Quinoa is often called a "superfood". But whatever you call it, it can help you shed the inches. It's a wholegrain food rich in fiber and bursting with 8 grams of protein per cup. Quinoa is also packed with vitamins, selenium, and zinc. Cook it like rice and mix it with healthy, green veggies and beans for a delicious, low-fat meal.


  1. Cinnamon


Blood sugar levels impact appetite. When your blood sugar drops below a certain level, you feel hungry. Cinnamon helps stabilize your blood sugar between meals, making you less likely to get hunger pangs. Use it as a low-calorie alternative to sugar to sweeten your hot drinks, or sprinkle it over yogurt and fruit.


  1. Chili Peppers


Habaneros, jalapenos, and other varieties of chili are packed with a chemical called capsaicin. It's what puts the heat in hot peppers. It also boosts metabolism, so it helps burn up fat and reduces appetite. Add it to soups and stews, or try it raw, thinly sliced onto salads. 


  1. Green Tea


The water content in green tea supports good hydration, but it's the phytochemical catechin that does the fat-busting work by boosting metabolism. If you drink hot, green tea several times a day in place of soda or fruit juice, it will help you burn fat. Sweeten it with a little natural honey or a couple of flakes of cinnamon.


  1. Grapefruit


Grapefruit is a rich source of soluble fiber. If you eat half a grapefruit at breakfast and drink a glass of grapefruit juice about 20 minutes before meals, your digestion will work better and you'll feel fuller. Just remember not to sweeten it with refined sugar. Its bitter flavor can be an acquired taste.


  1. Watermelon


The high-water content in watermelon keeps you well hydrated and fills your gut so you don't feel as hungry. It is a rich source of vitamins, antioxidants, and other nutrients, but has very few calories per gram. You can eat lots of it without adding significantly to your calorie count, and it'll help curb your appetite.


  1. Apples and Pears


Like watermelon and other fruit, pears and apples have high water content, and if you eat them unpeeled, they provide lots of dietary fiber. Just eat them raw and whole as nature intended for maximum fat-busting benefits. The fiber fills you up and the natural sugars give your energy a boost, so you don't feel the need to eat again soon.


  1. Fresh Grapes 


Two cups of grapes have fewer than 100 calories. But they're super sweet-tasting and full of vitamins and fiber. Eat them in place of candy when you fancy a snack.


  1. Berries


If you get bored with grapes, try berries. All berries, from the popular and familiar blueberry to the exotic, like acai berries, have health benefits. They all have high water and fiber content to fill you up without piling on the calories. In fact, blueberries are cheaper than acai, sweeter, and available in most stores. 


You must eat to stay healthy. Burning fat isn't about fasting or cutting out food groups. There's no need to be hungry and miserable to lose weight. Just choose the right foods, get plenty of exercise, and watch those inches melt away.

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