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Benefits Of Rest

happier healthier Jun 08, 2023

Experts always say we need to get enough sleep and find more ways to rest. This is a fast-paced world, though. Do we really have the time? Considering the benefits of rest, we better make the time.


  1.  Your Heart Health Improves

Rest allows your blood pressure to lower and gives your heart a chance to slow down. The right amount of sleep allows your blood pressure to regulate, fending off heart disease and stroke.


  1.  You Reduce Stress on Your Body

The constant stress of daily living leaves you with heightened anxiety, which weakens your immune system. Regular rest allows your body to lower stress and hormone levels.


  1.  You Become More Creative

Creative breakthroughs happen when you least expect them. Your creativity may be lacking if you haven't taken a break for a while. Quiet moments of relaxation let your brain rest so it can think more creatively.


  1.  You Become More Productive

Productivity isn't about who can work for the most hours. It is about who can make the most of each hour. Taking breaks helps your mind reset and reenergizes your body, so you can operate at peak form.


  1.  You Get in Touch with Your "Non-Work" Self

"All work and no play…." The adage is true. It makes you a one-dimensional person who loses who you are. Scheduling time to rest allows you to discover your identity—the one not tied to your career—and learn new things about yourself.


  1.  Helps You Become More Fit

Rest and sleep give your body time to recharge and heal itself. Proper rest ensures fewer injuries while you exercise and more energy to power through tough workouts.


  1.  You Can Experience Deeper Relationships

A fast-paced lifestyle leaves you little time to spend with loved ones. Taking an afternoon or an entire day off allows you to slow down and be in the moment with your family. You can enjoy each other's company and create deeper bonds.


  1.  Increase Ability to Handle Life's Emergencies

Crises happen. When they do, your body will react. If it is already in a heightened state of stress, you may make poor decisions or become emotional. Resting now gives you reserves to handle things later when you may not be able to get the rest you need.


  1.  You Can Solve Problems Better

Your brain solves problems better after a break from the bombardment of outside influences. Don't try to force it next time you need to find a solution to a problem. Instead, take some time to rest.





  1. Take your calendar and schedule an afternoon off. Use it to rest by treating yourself, reading a book, or catching up with family.


  1. Set a timer for 25 minutes. Do focused work for that time, and then take a 5-10 minute break. It will give you the extra energy to see through a project.


       3. Put your phone in a drawer for 24 hours. Enjoy time without the steady stream of             distractions increasing your stress

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